Learning the names of the traditional parts of speech probably won't make you witty, wealthy, or wise. In fact, learning just the names of the parts of speech won't even make you a better writer. But you will gain a basic understanding of the English language, which will help you follow the other lessons here at About.com Grammar and Composition. And those lessons will help you to improve your writing.
As you study the table at the bottom of the page, keep in mind that only interjections ("Yes!") have a habit of standing alone (or alongside complete sentences). The three articles (now often identified as a type of determiner rather than a distinct word class) appear before nouns. However, the other parts of speech--nouns,pronouns, verbs, adjectives adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions--come in many varieties and may appear just about anywhere in a sentence. To know for sure what part of speech a word is, we have to look not only at the word itself but also at its meaning, position, and use in a sentence.
For example, in the first sentence below, work is a noun; in the second sentence, a verb; and in the third sentence, an adjective:
· Bosco showed up for work two hours late.
[The noun work is the thing Bosco shows up for.]
· He will have to work until midnight.
[The verb work is the action he must perform.]
· His work permit expires next month.
[The adjective work modifies the noun permit.]
Don't let this variety of meanings and uses confuse or discourage you. Keep in mind that learning the names of the basic parts of speech is just one way to understand how sentences are put together.
Now review the parts of speech listed below, and for each one see if you can provide examples of your own. (Click on the term for more detailed explanations and additional examples.) You will grow more familiar with the parts of speech as you practice using them in other lessons on this site, such as Basic Sentence Structures.
Parts of Speech
names a person, place, or thing
pirate, Caribbean, ship
takes the place of a noun
I, you, he, she, it, ours, them, who
identifies action or state of being
sing, dance, believe, be
modifies a noun
hot, lazy, funny
modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb
softly, lazily, often
shows a relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words in a sentence
up, over, against, by, for
joins words, phrases, and clauses
and, but, or, yet
expresses emotion
ah, whoops, ouch
identifies and specifies a noun
a,an, the