
Gerund adalah kata benda yang berasal dari kata kerja ditambah –ing, misalnyaswimming, eating, fishing, shopping, dancing, dan singing. Bila diperhatikan, gerundmempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan present participle, bedanya gerund berfungsi sebagai kata benda, sedangkan present participle sebagai kata sifat yang menerangkan kata benda.

Dalam kalimat, gerund berfungsi sebagai:
a. subjek (subject)
b. pelengkap subjek (subjective complement)
c. objek langsung (direct object)
d. objek preposisi (object of preposition)
e. aposisi (appositive)

Light and Glow Effect In Photoshop

In this Photoshop effect tutorial I cover the creation of several different light and glow effects in Photoshop. In this tutorial we are going to recreate picture 1. The effects inpicture 1 consist of smoke, light trails, sparkles, stars and bokeh effects. Luckily it's pretty simple to create each of these effects in Photoshop.

Smoke Effect in Photoshop

Overlay blending mode
Picture 2. Overlay blending mode.
Glowing cloud effect in Photoshop
Picture 3. Colorful smoke effect in Photoshop.
Let's start with the smoke effect in the background. The smoke effect is created by rendering clouds and coloring them with an overlay layer:
  • Create a new image document (600x500px).
  • Fill the background with black color (Edit > Fill...)
  • Create a new empty layer (Layer > New > Layer...) and select it.
  • Use Elliptical Marquee Tool and make the following selection to the center of the image: Width: 350px Height: 250px Feather: 80px 
    (you can set these values in the options-panel in the top of the screen when the Elliptical Marquee Tool is selected.)
  • Select black as foreground color and white as background color. Create clouds into the selection (Filter > Render > Clouds). (Clouds are rendered randomly. If you are not satisfied with the clouds you can just click undo and render them again.)
  • Create a new empty layer on top of the clouds layer and select it. Change the blending mode of the layer to Overlay like in picture 2.
  • Select #06c2ff as foreground color and #00ff7d as background color. Use Gradient Tool and fill the new layer with gradient. The result should be similar to picture 3.


   1. Simple Present Tense
Subject + Verb 1 + ….
They /   We
I   /   You
Subject + Verb s-es + ….    
He  /   She
     a. Untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan (habitual action) atau kegiatan yang terjadi berulang – ulang dan terus menerus.
   Contoh :
* The students go to school everyday.
* She studies English twice a week.
* I go to church on Sundays
* We celebrate our independence day once in a year.
     b. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth).
* The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west.
* The earth revolves round the sun.
* The pineapple never grows up on a tree.
      c. Digunakan dalam bahasa drama, komentar radio dan sejenisnya.
When the curtain rises, Juliet is writing on her desk. Suddenly the window opens and a masked man enters.

Sejarah Komunisme di Indonesia

Versi resmi pemerintah Hindia Belanda dan juga Pemerintah Indonesai saat ini menyebut bahwa Revolusi 1926 atau Pemberontakan tahun 1926 adalah pemberontakan komunis. Sebelum kita membahas lebih jauh tentang pemberontakan ini perlu dijelaskan kehadiran komunisme di Indonesia dan kaitan dengan revolusi tersebut ( sejarah lahirnya komunis sampai melakukan pemberontakan tersebut )
1.   1. Kondisi di Indonesia secara Umum
2.   2. Masuknya Komunis di Indonesia
3.   3. Perkembangan Komunis di Banten & sumatera ( tempat terjadinya pemberontakan 1926 atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Revolusi 1926 )

Kondisi Di Indonesia
Kaum petani menderita akibat penjajahan Belanda dalam banyak segi, yang pertama dan paling berat adalah mereka menedita akibat diterapkannya bentuk perpajakan. Ironisnya, beban pajak menjadi lebih berat pada zaman diterapkannya kebijakan “etis” (liberal), yang diadopsi oleh administrasi kolonial pada pergantian abad ke-20, ketika dibangun infrastruktur yang dibiayi pajak. Kebijakan tanam paksa yang mengharuskan petani menanam tanaman keras merupakan beban lain yang ditanggung petani dan memusnahkan kebebasan petani (kebijakan ini kemudian dihapuskan). Sewaktu itu petani terpaksa menjadikan sepertiga sampai setengah tanah mereka tersedia untuk dipakai perkebunan gula. Karena dipaksa bayar pajak, makin banyak tanah dipakai, dan petani makin terpuruk dalam kemiskinan dan makin tergantung pada sistem kapitalis.

Jumper (synopsis)

Shy teen David Rice (Max Theriot) has a crush on pretty Millie (AnnaSophia Robb), who dreams of travelling the world. When he surprises her with a small gift, a snow globe of the Eiffel Tower, teasing bully Mark (Jesse James) grabs it and throws it out onto the icy surface of the river. Determined, David ventures out on the ice and retrieves it, waving ... then falls through the ice and is swept away from the opening by the swift current. He is certain to die in the freezing water, without air ... and suddenly finds himself lying prone in the library between the bookcases, in a huge gush of gallons of water, gasping and alive.

He trudges home, soaking wet, where his father (Michael Rooker) chews him out. David enters his room, putting a chain on the door ... but when his angry father bursts it open, there is only a swirl of wind - David has vanished. He finds himself in the damp aisle of the darkened library, and realises he has teleported there yet again. It dawns on him that he finally has a way to change his life, to escape his situation, the same way his mother abandoned the family when he was five. He teleports home and retrieves a small stash of money and a few belongings. But before he leaves town, he stops outside Millie's house. Millie is not consoled by her mother's arms; she is sure that David is dead. She hears a noise outside, steps cautiously out into the yard ... and finds the snowglobe sitting on the swingset. From this she knows he is alive, but he does not respond to her calls.

Asyiknya Bermain Photoshop

Permisu  eeeh Permisi sobat Zero. buat kalian yang suka ngotak ngatik atau mengedit foto..., pasti tidak asing lagi jika mendengar kata "Photoshop". apa itu Photoshop????? ada yang tau? yyuuuppp bner sekali.., Photoshop adalah sebuah aplikasi pengolahan gambar yang TOP lah lx menurut saya. banyak keunggulan-keunggulan dari photoshop. tapi sebelum membahas tentang photosop lebih lanjut, ada baiknya sobat Zero add fb saya dulu "kalo mau" hehe. klik disini.

Membuat Menu Rolling

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Sobat Zero kali ini saya membahas tentang membuat menu rolling.., saya meng-share halaman ini dari blog sobat saya BMCyber. saya bagikan ilmu2 ne buat kalian semua.., langsung saja......,

Pastikan dalam template sobat sudah dilengkapi dengan JQuery 1.3.2 ya. Kalau belum pasang aja script dibawah ini dan letakkan diatas kode </head>.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Kemudian letakkan juga kode dibawah ini sesudah atau tepat dibawah kode JQuery 1.3.2 tadi.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Modal Auxiliaries

The modal auxiliaries (or modals) include the following:
can, could, may, might, must, should, will, would, . . .

Modals are always followed by the base form of a verb or auxiliary verb.

Modals are always the same form no matter what the subject is.

In standard American English, a predicate verb phrase cannot contain more than one modal.
He will be able to go.
not correct
* He will can go.

Below are example sentences containing the modal may and the verb go. Notice that the form of the modal does not change. Also notice that the base form of a verb or auxiliary verb always follows the modal.

What Is Syntax?

Syntax is the discipline that examines the rules of a language that dictate how the various parts of sentences go together. While morphology looks at how the smallest linguistic unit (called morphemes) are formed into complete words, syntax looks at how those words are formed into complete sentences.
Syntax is not prescriptivist – which is to say, it does not attempt to tell people what the objectively correct way to form a sentence is. Rather, it is descriptivist, in that it looks at how language is actually used and tries to come up with rules that successfully describe what various language communities consider to be grammatical or non-grammatical. Syntax deals with a number of things, all of which help to facilitate being understood and understanding language. Without rules of syntax, there would be no foundation from which to try to discern meaning from a bunch of words strung together, whereas with syntax, an infinite number of sentences are possible using a fairly small finite number of rules.

Theory of Second Language Acquisition

Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition

"Language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules, and does not require tedious drill." Stephen Krashen
"Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language - natural communication - in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding." Stephen Krashen
"The best methods are therefore those that supply 'comprehensible input' in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear.